Surface Rust
Lots of Character
Does Not Run
Ron's Not Impressed with Caprice's taste in trucks :O)
Purchased in Okanogan, Washington in February 2013; This will be Caprice's solo project (with a little muscle, when needed from Ron she hopes....); During a quick visit to the homestead, a "friend" [Ron questions this term :) ] at Okanogan Tire Factory showed us this fixer-upper on Craigslist - Caprice immediately fell in love - not so Ron. Our next scheduled stop that day was to meet Chris Mursick about some welding. Guess what just happened to be behind the shop? $1,500 later and Caprice was a VERY happy camper....Now for just a little time to work on it! (Planned completion: ???)
Pratt Customs © 2008
Building Childhood Dreams - One Car at a Time!
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